Suitable for crops

Highly effective herbicide from the imidazolinone group for controlling annual cereal and dicotyledonous weeds on soybean, pea and chickpea crops.
Active ingredient : imazamoks (40 g / l)
Group : herbicide
Formulation : suspension concentrate, KS
Tare unit : 5 l canister
Hazard class : hazard class 3 (moderately hazardous compound).
Guaranteed shelf life : 2 years in the original packaging at temperatures from 0 ° C to plus 30 ° C
Регламент применения препарата
Culture | Harmful object | Method, time, features of the drug | The consumption rate of the drug. l / ha | Waiting period (multiplicity of treatments |
Peas (for grain), chickpeas | Annual cereal and dicotyledonous weeds | Spraying crops in the early phases of weed growth (1-3 true leaves) and 1-3 true leaves in the crop. The following year, you can sow all crops except sugar beets (the seed-free interval between the use of the herbicide and sowing beets is 16 months). | 0.75-1 | 53 (1) |
Soybean | Annual cereal and dicotyledonous weeds | Spraying crops in the early phases of weed growth (1-3 true leaves) and 1-3 true leaves in the crop. The following year, you can sow all crops except sugar beets (the seed-free interval between the use of the herbicide and sowing beets is 16 months). | 0.75-1 | 60 (1) |
Working fluid consumption 200-300 l / ha
Mechanism of action
Imazamox is absorbed by the leaves and root system of the weeds and inhibits the synthesis of a number of amino acids, which leads to the death of sensitive weeds.
Range of action of the drug
Post-emergence herbicide to protect crops from a wide range of annual dicotyledonous and cereal weeds. It has a pronounced deterrent effect in relation to perennial (including some quarantine weeds).
Визуальные признаки и скорость воздействия препарата
Weeds stop growing and developing just a few hours after treatment. Visible symptoms appear 3-5 days after spraying. Complete dying occurs after 3-6 weeks, depending on weather conditions.
Compatibility with other drugs
Do not use imazamox-based herbicide in tank mixtures with anti-cereal herbicides. After using the herbicide, you cannot use the sulfonylurea group of drugs during the whole season. Tank mixtures with a preparation based on bentazone can be used to control difficultly eradicated dicotyledonous weeds (cobweed, funicular, ragweed).
The influence of environmental conditions on the effect of the drug
It is preferable to use the drug in the early morning at a temperature of no higher than 25 ° C. In windy weather (wind speed> 5 m / s), the preparation should not be used to avoid its uneven application and wear to adjacent fields.
Recommendations for the introduction of the drug
The drug is used by ground spraying weed seedlings using commercially available boom sprayers: OP-2000-2-01, OP-2000-01, OPSH-15, Curtitox. The use of drugs with active substances from the group of imidosalinones in the same field is allowed 1 time in 3 years.
The distribution of weeds according to the reaction to the drug
High sensitivity to the herbicide is shown by species such as southern Akalifa; Sagarwood Ambrosia; Field mustard; Strawberry, species; Smoky officinalis; Rope of Theophrastus; Mary is white; Field oatmeal; Sow thistle is yellow; Sow thistle pink; Wormwood, species; Millet Chicken; Bristles, species; Shiritsa, species, etc.