Highly active herbicide for the control of annual and some perennial weeds in crops of cereal crops and corn.

Active ingredient :    2.4 D acid in the form of C12 2-ethylhexyl ester

Formulation :    emulsion concentrate, CE

Container unit :    10l canister

Hazard class :   hazard  class 2 (highly hazardous compound), grade 3 in soil resistance.

Guaranteed shelf life :    2 years in the original packaging at temperatures from minus 20 ° C to plus 30 ° C

Регламент применения препарата


Harmful object

Consumption rate, l / ha

Mode of application

Waiting time

(multiplicity of treatments)

the drug

working fluid

Wheat, spring barley

Annual and some perennial (Cirsium field) dicotyledonous weeds



Spraying crops in the phase of tillering of the crop before going into the tube

58 (1)

Winter wheat




Spraying crops in the phase of 3-5 leaves of the culture.

60 (1)

Mechanism of action

2,4-D acid is rapidly absorbed both by leaves and, when it enters the soil, by the root system, followed by redistribution and accumulation of stems and roots in the meristems. It is an inhibitor of plant growth, disrupts many metabolic processes of plant cells, including respiration, the intake of essential nutrients in cells and tissues for the synthesis of proteins and other biomacromolecules, which leads to a delay in cell division, and ultimately, various deformations of developing plant organs. As a result of this, there is a violation of the energy balance in the plant, the processes of photosynthesis, carbohydrate metabolism, which leads to the death of the plant.

Range of action of the drug

Efion is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide for the control of annual and some perennial dicotyledonous weeds in crops of grain crops and maize. Belongs to herbicides based on 2,4-D, but significantly surpasses preparations based on amine salts in terms of speed of action and in the strength of weed control. Provides maximum effect compared to amine salts at lower (1.7-2.0 times) consumption rates of 2,4-D acid per 1 ha.

shepherd’s bag, ragweed ragweed, sunflower samosev, triple hibiscus, rape samosev, mountaineer (species), field radish, field mustard, chamomile (species), buckwheat Tatar, shiritsa (species), dope (species), field yarrow, common gooseberry Teofrast’s rope-cross, common godson, field bindweed, spreading quinoa, nettle (species), poppy samoseyka, Tatar molokan, white gauze, candelabra medicinal, Canadian small-leaved sow thistle, yellow carrot, wild sow thistle, pink butyok, black nightshade, sorrel, species ( kinds)

Визуальные признаки и скорость воздействия препарата

The effect of ether on weeds appears after 12-18 hours, which is 2-4 times faster than when using amine salts and 10 times – sulfonylureas. Outwardly, this is manifested in the growth of individual leaf tissues, twisting and curving of the petioles and leaf blades, the formation of additional roots, etc. Complete death of weeds occurs in 5-7 days and later, depending on climatic conditions.

Compatibility with other drugs

The drug is compatible with herbicides based on sulfonylurea, dicamba, clopyralid.

The influence of environmental conditions on the effect of the drug

Efion is highly effective even in adverse environmental conditions, namely: at low temperatures and relative humidity for a long period of time, as well as during drought. Action Efiona manifested already at 5 to C rather than at 8-10, like preparations based on 2,4-D amine salt form. Due to the rapid penetration of ether into the plant, Efion is not washed off by rain one hour after treatment. Its effectiveness in drought conditions is not reduced.

Recommendations for the introduction of the drug

The optimal period for the use of Efion on cereal crops is the period from the beginning of the tillering phase to the formation of the first internode when the crops are resistant to the herbicide. When a cereal preparation is processed in a phase of 2-3 leaves, spike damage may occur, in the phase of exit into the tube – the beginning of earing – formative changes of straw and ear. The optimal period for the use of Efion on corn is when the plant height is more than 20 cm, but no later than phase 5 of the leaves of the crop.

Most weeds are sensitive to Efion, being at the developmental stage of 2-10 leaves. Perennial weeds during processing should reach a size of 10-15 cm.


First aid for poisoning:

If there are signs of malaise (nausea, weakness, dizziness, headache), the victim must be removed from the danger zone to fresh air, carefully remove clothing and a respirator, avoiding the possibility of the drug getting on the skin or respiratory organs.

If the product gets on the skin, immediately remove contaminated clothing, remove the preparation with a paper towel, a piece of cloth or cotton wool, avoiding rough rubbing of the skin, and then thoroughly wash the skin with soap and water.

In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean, running water.

If the drug enters the stomach, immediately give a few glasses of warm water with activated charcoal to drink (based on 1 g of sorbent per 1 kg of body weight), then induce vomiting by irritation of the posterior pharyngeal wall. Repeat this several times to more completely remove the drug from the body.

In all cases of poisoning after first aid, the victim must consult a doctor.

There is no specific antidote. The treatment is symptomatic.


Methods for neutralizing spilled or spilled pesticide:

All neutralization measures are carried out using personal protective equipment in a room equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation or in the open air, on a specially equipped site.

When a significant amount of the drug is spilled onto the soil, it should be prevented from entering the sewers or water bodies. Pour the spilled preparation with sand, earth or sawdust until completely absorbed, then collect the adsorbent material in a container, seal the containers and send them for further disposal. The land from which contaminated soil has been removed is treated with a solution of bleach and dug up.

Contaminated soil and spilled preparation in containers are treated with a solution of bleach until the complete decomposition of 2,4-D acid (20-24 hours) and washed with water.


Methods for destroying or disposing of pesticide:

Destruction and neutralization of the drug, waste not subject to disposal, containers from under the drug are carried out in accordance with SN 3183-84 “The procedure for the accumulation, transportation, neutralization and burial of toxic industrial waste”, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health on 06/17/1985. and “Temporary instructions for the preparation for burial of banned and unsuitable for use in agriculture pesticides and containers from them”, VNIPIagrokhim, Ryazan, 1989.

Neutralization of pesticide wastes by treating them with 5% alkali solution or 7-10% sodium salt solution, followed by thermal neutralization.

The disposal of pesticide residues is carried out in specially designated areas. All work related to the disposal of pesticide residues should be carried out in agreement with the local sanitary and epidemiological control authorities and in full compliance with local laws.


Security measures during transportation, use and storage of the pesticide:

In order to prevent poisoning when working with the drug, it is necessary to observe the precautions specified in the “Hygienic requirements for the storage, use and transportation of pesticides and agrochemicals” SanPiN 1.2.1077-01 and in the “Safety Instructions for Storage, Transportation and Use of Pesticides in Rural economy ”(M, 2001).

During work, observe the rules of personal hygiene. At the workplace it is forbidden to eat, drink, smoke.

All work with the drug (opening containers, refueling sprayers, spraying and other work in the treated areas) should be carried out with the mandatory use of personal protective equipment: respirator, safety glasses, cotton overalls, hats, safety shoes. Persons engaged in the preparation of the working solution must have aprons and sleeves made of film fabric. Every week, overalls should be degassed in a soap-soda solution (2.5% soap and 0.5% soda ash), followed by washing in the same solution. Wash rubber gloves and boots with water.

Admission to work with the drug is made after instructing on precautions when working with pesticides, as well as after training in providing first aid measures for poisoning. Adolescents under the age of 18 years, pregnant and lactating women, as well as persons who have revealed a preliminary medical examination of diseases that are a contraindication to working with pesticides, are not allowed to work with the drug. All work is carried out under the guidance of plant protection specialists.

At the places of use of the drug should be a first aid kit.

The drug should be stored in an unbroken factory packaging, equipped with a container label indicating the name of the drug and the date of its manufacture. Storage at temperatures from minus 100C to plus 300C.

Storage of the drug together with food and fodder is not allowed. Storage of the drug is allowed only in warehouses specially designed for this purpose that meet sanitary requirements separately from other pesticides. The warehouse should protect the pesticide from direct sunlight, moisture, contamination and mechanical damage.

Joint transport and storage of the drug with feed and food products is not allowed. Transportation of people with the drug is not allowed.

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